Little Miss Sunshine Movie Script (2025)

[ Man Announcing ]

The winner of a 30,000-dollar scholarship...

is Miss Louisiana, Erika Schwarz.

And the new Miss America

is Miss Kansas...

Tara Dawn Holland!

[ Audience Cheering ]


is Miss Louisiana, Erika Schwarz.

[ Audience Cheering ]

And the new Miss America

is Miss Kansas, Tara Dawn Holland!

[ Man ] There are two kinds

of people in this world-

winners and losers.

Inside each and every one of you...

at the very core of your being...

is a winner

waiting to be awakened...

and unleashed upon the world.

With my nine-step

"Refuse to Lose" program...

you now have the necessary

tools and the insights...

and the know-how to put

your losing habits behind you...

and to go out and make

your dreams come true.

[ Sighs ]

No hesitating.

[ Chuckles ]

No complaining.

And no excuses.

I want you to go out

in the world...

and I want you to be winners!

Thank you.

Thank you.

[ Woman ]

I'm on my way.

I don't know how long.

I don't know!

Richard, he has

nowhere else to go.

I'm not smoking.

I'm not!

Look, I'm at the hospital.

Yeah, okay. Bye.

[ Woman On P.A., Indistinct ]

Miss Hoover?

Your brother's fine.

I need you to keep him away

from sharp objects-knives, scissors.

If you have medications, depressants

in your house, keep them secure.

- I'd prefer to keep him, but-

- I know. The insurance.

You want to see him?

[ Chattering ]

Hey, Frank.


I'm so glad you're still here.

Well, that makes one of us.

[ Man On Radio ] A strong low pressure

system passed across New Mexico...

bringing with it a little moisture

that will cool things off a bit.

We may even see a five- to 10-degree drop

in temperatures in Albuquerque.

There will be no significant

accumulations of rainfall-

Do you want to talk or no?

- Nearly nothing, but statewide 93%-

- No.



Down here.

We have you with Dwayne.

[ Knocks ]

Dwayne, hi.

Uncle Frank's here.

He doesn't mind, Frank.

We talked.

Wha- I know. I know. But we can't have you

sleeping alone. The doctor said.

I'm sorry.

I have to insist.

You'll get along fine.

He's really quiet.

And here's your cot.

Please, Frank.


Thank you.

I'm gonna start dinner.

You can come out

when you're settled.

And, uh, just leave the door open.

That's important.

Dwayne, honey, there's

a bucket of chicken in the car.

Can you get it?

And, uh, I'll make a salad.

- Olive?

- [ Girl ] Yeah?

- Is Grandpa with you?

- Yeah.

- What are you guys doing?

- Rehearsing.

- Okay, well, dinner in 10 minutes.

- Okay.

- Hi.

- Hi. Frank's here.

Oh, God.

Did, uh, Stan Grossman call?

Well, check the machine.

- Dwayne, please, come on.

The chicken. It's in the car.

- [ Machine Beeps ]

Will you set the table?

We'll do paper plates tonight.

[ Woman On Machine ] Remember Olive

was runner-up in the Little Miss Sunshine?

- Theyjust called right now-

- Hey, it's your sister!


[ Phone Beeping ]

Hi. Richard Hoover

for Stan Grossman, please.

Any way to reach him or-

Well, I'm just wondering

if this darn book deal is done or not.

- [ Clattering ]

- If-

- Yes.

- [ Clattering ]

Okay, could you please just have him

call me anytime over the weekend?

He has my cell number.

Just to let me know we're on.

Okay? Thank you. Bye.

- So what happened with Stan Grossman?

- He's in Scottsdale.

Why didn't he call?

Will you let me

worry about this, please?

Dwayne, can you check on Frank?

Tell him it's dinnertime.

Olive! Dinnertime!

[ Olive ]


What? Dinner?

What, you don't talk anymore?

Why not?

You can talk.

You just choose not to?

Is that Nietzsche?

You don't speak

because of Friedrich Nietzsche.

Far out.

[ Sheryl Sighs ]

Frank, you can sit here next to Dwayne.

Here's the salad, and I'm gonna run

and get Sprite for everyone.

Olive, come on!


[ Olive ]


So who do you hang out with?

No one?

What about your family?

Frank! Hey!

- Richard.

- Good to... see you.

[ Groans ]

[ Dishes Clattering ]

Let me get Olive.

- Olive? Dad?

- [ Sheryl ] You guys, go on and start.

- Let's go!

- [ Olive ] We're coming.

- Frank, some Sprite?

- Yes.

And I want everyone to have

at least a little salad.

Thanks, Sheryl.


So, Sheryl, I couldn't help noticing

Dwayne has stopped speaking.

Oh, yeah, he's taken a vow of silence.

You've taken a vow of silence?

Yeah. He's gonna join the Air Force Academy,

become a test pilot...

and he's taken a vow of silence

until he reaches that goal.

- You're kidding?

- Hi, Uncle Frank.

Oh, hey, Olive.

Wow, you're gettin' big.

Almost like a real person.

- [ Chuckles ]

- [ Olive Gasps ]

- What happened to your arms?

- Olive.

That's all right.

I had a little accident. I'm okay.

- How's the, uh, routine coming, honey?

- It's good.

Yeah? When are you

gonna show it to us?

I don't know.

It's up to Grandpa.

A couple of days.

It still needs work.

What's that? Chicken?

Every night it's the f***in' chicken!

- Holy God Almighty! It is possible just once-

- Dad!

We could get something to eat around here

that's not the goddamn f***ing chicken?

- Hey, Dad! Dad!

- I'm just sayin'-

- Christ.

- When you want to start cooking

your own food, you're welcome.

- At Sunset Manor, you know-

- If you like Sunset Manor,

you shouldn't have got kicked out.

For God's sakes.

So when did you start

with the vow?

Been nine months, Frank.

He hasn't said a word.

Not one. I think it shows

tremendous discipline.

- Richard.

- I really do.

Really. I think we could

learn something from Dwayne.

Dwayne has a goal.

He has a dream.

It may not be my dream,

may not be yours...

but he's pursuing it with

great conviction and focus.

In fact, I was thinking

about the nine steps-

Oh, for crying out loud!

And how Dwayne's utilizing seven of them

in his personal quest to self-fulfillment.

Richard, please.

Well, I'm just saying

I've come around.

I think he could use our support.

How did it happen?

- How did what happen?

- Your accident.

Honey, here.

[ Frank ] Oh, no, it's okay.

Unless you object.

No, I'm pro-honesty here.

I just think, you know, it's up to you.

Be my guest.

Olive, um, Uncle Frank

didn't really have an accident.

What happened was he...

tried to kill himself.

You did? Why?

[ Stammering ] I'm sorry. I don't think

this is an appropriate conversation.

Honey, let's let Uncle Frank

finish his dinner, okay? Shh.

Why did you want to kill yourself?

[ Richard ]

No, don't answer the question, Frank.

- Richard! Richard!

- He's not gonna answer the question. Frank.

- I wanted to kill myself-

- Don't listen to him.

- I was very unhappy.

- He's sick in his head.

- Richard!

- I'm sorry! I don't think it's

an appropriate conversation...

- for a seven-year-old.

- She's gonna find out anyway.

- Okay.

- Go on, Frank.

Why were you unhappy?

Um, well, there are a lot of reasons.

Mainly, though, I fell in love

with someone who didn't love me back.

Little Miss Sunshine Movie Script (2025)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.